ATS8655Advisor Integrated Security Management Software Upgrade License for increasing the number of connected ACCIO Access control systems
ATS8656Advisor Integrated Security Management Software Upgrade License for increasing the number of connected Axon panels one driver per additional ATSx700 panel.
ATS8655-UpgradeUpgrade From Accio Basic software to full License version of Advisor Integrated Security Management Software With additional Accio driver.
ATS8649Advisor Integrated Security Management Software Upgrade License for increasing the number of connected Modulaser panels
ATS8692ATS8610 Business editie + ATS8640 - ATS8610 licentie update naar laatste jaarversie (inclusief upgrade ATS8640)
ATS8647Advisor Integrated Security Management Software Upgrade License for increasing the number of connected FlexZone devices
ATS8605Upgrade om vanaf de Starterseditie (ATS8600) om de standaardversie met meer dan 2 systemen te verhogen
ATS8640Upgrade om vanaf de Business editie (ATS8610) meer dan 25 video, brand & inbraak/toegangscontrolesystemen te kunnen koppelen.